The Eddies community has rallied together to support a number of successful crowdfunding campaigns in recent years. By marshaling the enthusiasm and generosity of our alumni, supporters and friends we have been able to repair and purchase the College punts, acquire new garden furniture in the Orchard, and contribute to the much-needed refurbishment of the CR.

Every little helps, whether you make a donation or help spread the word, and supporting our crowdfunding efforts makes a real difference to the lives of students at St Ed’s.

Our Current Campaign

The St Edmund’s CR is fundraising to buy a new PA and sound system.

The Performing Arts have long been a favourite co-curricular activity of students at St Edmund’s College. Open mic nights in the student common room are consistently one some of our most popular social events and help to showcase the abilities of our many talented musicians, comics, poets, and actors. Open mic nights have been the source of new friendships, musical collaborations, and stellar performances, with poetry readings, stand-up comedy and theatrical recitals that have entertained and enriched CR members through the years.

We’ve witnessed how many of our students value their creative outlets by how frequently St Edmund’s students appear in university theatre productions, how often the music room is booked (sometimes for five hours at a time!), and by the sheer number of students who sign up to perform at the open mic nights, and no less, the number of those who turn out to support. As members of a mature college and one of Cambridge’s most international colleges, St Edmund’s students represent an incredibly wide range of ages, cultures, and academic subjects. Our love for music and the arts brings us together – wherever we’re from.

“Our love for music and the arts brings us together – wherever we’re from.”

But our existing PA system is aging and no longer fit for purpose. We need your help to purchase new equipment that will allow us to showcase the best of St Edmund’s talent in the years to come.

Open mic nights and other similar events have often been the source of new friendships, and the opportunity for like-minded people to perform together, and for this reason St Edmund’s would love to have the support of the community to fund a new PA system in our common room.

This system will allow us to hold more regular and more varied arts events than we have done in the past. With a better functioning PA system we’ll be able to organise more events to showcase the poetic, comedic and theatrical talent of the college. And, with a new system, we’ll be able to hold events more frequently.

By funding the purchase of a new PA system you will help to make the arts more accessible to St Edmund’s students, with all the benefits that brings. Supporting the arts at St Edmund’s helps us to foster student wellbeing and co-curricular development, helping all of us to thrive, and provides a platform for students from all walks of life to share and bond; whether over music, comedy, poetry, or theatre.

We hope that you will help us to realise these accomplishments by giving what you can to our crowdfunding appeal.