Working for Inclusion Since 1896
Founded on the principle that the University of Cambridge should be more inclusive, St Edmund’s is a registered charity formed to to advance education, religion, learning and research in the University of Cambridge, and to provide a College and a home for students.
The St Edmund’s you know and love, from the fabric of the buildings you’ve lived and worked in, to the books in the Library, the food in Hall, the punts on the river, and so many other aspects of the student experience in between, would not exist without the generosity of our supporters– alumni, friends, and trusts and foundations that offer their help because they believe in the vision that we share. Our reputation as the friendliest, most welcoming community in Cambridge is here to stay because of you.
How you can help
A donation to any of the College’s funds is hugely appreciated. You can direct a gift to a specific project, such as the Estates Development fund or the Student Support Fund, or you can donate to the Eddie’s Fund – our versatile unrestricted fund that allows us to direct your gift to the area of greatest need across the College.
Donations to the College are an essential part of its history. A gift in a will led to the building of the Chapel. The 2018 crowdfunder gave the CR a new lease of life. The 2020/21 crowdfunder that bought us new outdoor gym equipment during a global lockdown. The 2022 crowdfunder bought us new garden furniture for all to enjoy. Collectively, regular gifts also help the College to provide financial and practical support to students. This is increasingly important in a world where education is more expensive and the working world more competitive than ever before.
The wide support among our alumni helps us demonstrate to grant making bodies how much people care about our cause, and while Large gifts can have have dramatic and immediate effects, like building the Okinaga Tower, regular smaller gifts can have that same power. At St Edmund’s, a gift of any size makes a real difference.
There are many other methods by which you could choose to make a donation to support St Edmund’s and a number of tax efficient vehicles to make the most of your philanthropy. We also accept bank transfers, cheques, gifts of stocks or shares, credit or debit card donations, or Direct Debits (from your UK bank account).
If you are interested in helping the College in any capacity, we would love to hear from you and to start a conversation about your philanthropic priorities. Get in touch with the Development Office to find out more.
Thank you for supporting your College.

Kate Glennie, Development Director & Fellow