Recognising your Generosity
St Edmund’s College values the contributions donors and alumni make to the life of the College, and we want to celebrate our community and thank them for their continued support. Supporters of the College that make outstanding contributions are invited to become members of one of our donor circles.
All donors in any donor circle receive a Christmas card and printed copy of the Edition, as well as access to selected special events throughout the year. Full details of each circle will be conveyed to each invited member: here are just a selection of the privileges afforded by the College to its most valued donors.
The Mount Pleasant Circle
The Mount Pleasant Circle is formed of any donors that give a financial contribution to the College – of any amount – within 3 years of their graduation. Mount Pleasant Circle members enjoy all of the benefits outlined above as well as a token of special recognition from the Development Office, and a personalised invitation to attend the annual Garden Party.
The 1896 Society
Named for the date of the foundation of the College, the 1896 Society is our bedrock of our philanthropic supporters. Recognising donors that have given gifts totaling £1000 or more, members receive personalised invitations to special events and a unique donor badge to demonstrate their support.
The Edmond Nolan Society
Named after the Right Reverend Monsignor Edmond Nolan, Second Master of St Edmund’s College, the Edmond Nolan Society recognises those who have pledged to leave a legacy to the College. Members are awarded a special donor badge and receive invitations to a triennial event in College to celebrate the community.
The Martlett Circle
The bird featured in the College’s Coat of Arms, in a variant of the heraldry of St Edmund of Abingdon, is the mythical Martlett – a bird without legs that flies from birth to death without rest or reprieve, symbolic of the constant pursuit of knowledge and learning, and more generally hard work and perseverance. These values are at the heart of St Edmund’s ethos.
The Martlett Circle recognises donors that have given gifts totaling more than £10,000, awarding them additional tokens and an invitation to the annual Commemoration of Benefactors Feast.
The Norfolk Circle
Named for the Duke of Norfolk whose bequest in 1896 founded St Edmund’s House, the Norfolk Circle celebrates donors that have given gifts totaling more than £25,000. In addition to the rewards above members of the Norfolk Circle receive invitations to College Feasts for life.
The Master’s Circle & the St Edmund Circle
The Master’s Circle and the St Edmund Circles celebrate those whose contributions to the College total £50,000 and £100,000 respectively. As well as receiving life-long invitations to all College feasts, members of these Circles will have their names inscribed on a donor board within the College, and access to intimate fine-dining experiences with the Master of the College in exclusive surroundings.
Fellow Benefactors & Foundation Fellows
Our most generous donors are nominated for election as Fellow Benefactors or Foundation Fellows, receiving special rights as Senior Members of the College, including the right to wear a unique commemorative gown at College Feasts and access to the University’s donor recognition circles – the Vice-Chancellor’s Circle and the University Guild of Benefactors respectively.
As a mark of special distinction, Foundation Fellows are nominated for an Honourary Fellowship, and will be invited to discuss the naming of a portion of the College.